My office uses Clio Payments to accept payments. This site is for current and former clients only. By making a payment on this website you are stating that (1) you are a client or former client of my office or making a payment on behalf of a client or former client with their express permission; (2) you are an authorized cardholder, accountholder, and / or user of the payment mechanism used; and (3) that you specifically authorize a charge to the credit card or bank account provided in the amount specified.
Making a payment on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. You must have executed a Representation Agreement with my office to be considered a client.
If you elect to use this payment portal, any payment made (even in error) will be required to clear my bank account before a refund can be issued. This may take several days.
If you have any questions about making a payment, please contact my office before attempting to make a payment.
LawPay accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and eChecks from Bank Accounts.